Monday, August 4, 2008

Diapers bite the dust!

Guess who's wearing big boy underwear?????? We worked very hard this past week on the huge task of potty training Alex. We figured since he's recently started expressing himself regularly (i.e. he never shuts up ;) ) he was ready to move on to "big boy" status.

Let me tell ya, this was no easy task. After how easy it was training Parker I went into this with a lot more confidence (only to be beat down and nearly defeated). He fought me for 2 days.....and would even sit on the potty and say "NO WAY MOM, No Potty!" I knew once he went on the potty once it would smooth sailing. When he finally did I made a big deal over it. I think whhat really sealed it was the fact that he got a lollipop and stickers when he went on the potty. I'm finding bribery works well on this child. ;)

So, he's doing great and we're really proud of him! Now, if anyone has any tips on how to get him to do #2 on the potty I'd be mighty greatful....... :P

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