Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Say Hello to SAMMY!!!!

Obviously I must have been delirious without knowing I was sick yet but Keith drug us out to the "good" pet store on Saturday and I saw this little lady and fell in love. Yes, I know I complain all the time about what a pain Panda is but something told me I needed to bring her home. I agve Keith the chance to veto and he wouldn't say anything either way so here we are with another dog.

Her name is Samantha (aka Sammy) and she's a Pembroke Corgi just like Panda. She'll be red and white (that would be a blondish brown red and white to most people). She's got a bit of dark coloring around her nose but as much as I hope it stays I'm sure it will go away. To anyone that has seen the movie "The Queen", Sammy will look like the Corgi's she has.

So far Panda is handling the new addition well. She has bowed to him so he has the upper hand (at least for now......she is a girl after all ;) ) and he's doing well putting up with her wanting to play all the time. Alex runs around screaming "SAAAMMMMEEEEEEEE!! SAAAAAMMMEEEEEE!!" and all animals and children under age 3 are getting lots of exercise chasing each other through the house. The cats simply looked up at Keith and I and I'm sure if they had fingers we would have seen them extend their middle one right up at us. LOL!

We're working on the housebreaking thing. Not easy right now with me being sick but she'll get it, she's a smart girl.

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