Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Time to get Ed-ju-ma-ca-ted!!!!!!

Yipee!!!! School is back in session and we're off to a great start! Parker started last week and has done really well. He's at a new elementary school this year with a new teacher so I had my doubts but he's handled things great. He describes most days as "Super!" He's riding the bus again and has some of the neatest and nicest people for drivers. He's also started outpatient Speech therapy once a week and we are waiting to hear if he'll start going to outpatient Occupational therapy too.

Alex didn't get to start until this week but is doing very well. Yesterday was his first day at preschool and I'm sure I ended up looking like the worst mom in the world when I dropped him off in the carpool line. ((Running and hiding right now)) I think I was the ONLY parent that did not walk their child in to their class on the first day of school. You should have seen some of the looks I got from the other parents when I pulled up and they came out to get Alex out of the truck. LOL!!! In my defense I did ask Alex if he wanted Mommy to walk him into his class or if he wanted Miss Shelly (the asst. director of the school) to come out and get him out of the truck. He said, "I want Miss Selly get me!" So it was really his idea.......right? ;)

Alex also started a speech class through the school district this morning. It lasts for about 2 hours 2 days a week and he'll get help with a lot of articulation issues, etc.

So far so good with the only issue being me constantly driving from here to there to drop off or pick up for all these things. Good thing I don't "work" or else these boys wouldn't have a chauffeur to tote them around. Right Keith?????? LOL!

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